October 22, 2008

Leaves = afternoon snack?

Autumn is in full swing in these parts and my family is loving it! This is "sweeping up" season. You know, catching up on forgotten projects of the summer and gearing up for the big Christmas events. I have been compiling my month by month mosaics for my New Year's post (see last year's). We have also been working towards our business launch in the new year. We are "renovating" our photography business - in fact, just recently we started the Studio Vie blog.
On the fashion front, I am still creating estellElle handbags when I can, however, it is going a little bit slow. Only because I am having a hard time fitting in all the sewing! I think I need to recruit a seamstress to help with all the work. I will be selling/promoting the bags at "Shop Til You Drop" event next month and I'm super excited about this! So for those of you in the Toronto area, please check out the conference and try to come if you can.

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