April 22, 2012

39 weeks

This is it, people.  I have 6 days until my due date.  SIX DAYS.  Of course, that doesn't really mean alot considering I probably won't have this baby right on the due date (even though my last one was born on his).

This week I have 3 main goals:

- clean my house
- last minute baby/labor prep
- rest

Everything else that gets done on top of that, is all a bonus.  :)

This pregnancy has not been so different from the last 3, to be honest.  The morning sickness was a bit worse, and my body gets tired more easily (probably cause I'm still getting up with my toddler most nights).  But one thing that is different is more swelling this time.  With Sam and Elias I had virtually NO swelling at all, but with Murielle and this baby, I notice it alot more.  I get up in the morning, look in the mirror, and think, "Whoa...someone put collagen injections in my lips, cheeks, chin AND feet!"  I've even had to take my rings off!  (so sad, because I love them so much)

At this very moment, my amazing husband is doing laundry at the laundromat - about 16 loads, to be exact.  I realize that sounds like alot, but that's less than a week's worth, in our house.  Crazy.  I usually do laundry at home, but our washing machine decided to completely die just a few days ago.  Funny, huh?  I hadn't even gotten the new baby's clothes washed yet!  We pick up our new washer tomorrow evening, but Mark insisted he get all the laundry caught up so I could focus on more important things this week.  Did I mention he's amazing?  Simply amazing.

In other news, this week I took the opportunity to try and explain how life is about to change for awhile to my two oldest children.  Do they understand?  I don't know, but they will understand firsthand, very, very soon.  This is going to be a great week and I am super excited to meet my new baby!  (and to not be pregnant anymore!)

Keep checking back for baby pics cause that will probably be my next post!


Tammara said...

Love the pics, and what an amazing guy! So looking forward to meeting the newest addition and hearing/reading about it on your blog! All the best and you are definitely in our prayers. I am trying to decide now what meal to cook for you guys when the time comes :)

Jadyn @ Dutch.British.Love said...

Aw, so glad your husband is looking after you! He sounds like a great guy! And you look so great! Good luck with everything in the next little while, looking forward to seeing photos of your baby boy!

Patty-Jean from LittleQuiver said...

So exciting! Can't wait for pictures! I hear you about the swelling...after my last 2 (babies #3 and #4), it was only a day or two after birth that I would look in the mirror and see - "Oh there I am" - there was a marked difference in the reduced swelling so quickly!