November 13, 2008

Someone trashed my house this morning

There's a very good chance it Yes, my house is a bit untidy today. But that's the way I have to "organize" sometimes. I mean, I've been working on business stuff non-stop for the last couple days and it really helps me remember things when I lay them all out in front of me. I'm a visual person. ;)
Hey, remember these? They are done! They are all sewn together and they look fabulous!! I couldn't have done it without my new friend, Monica. Excellent seamstress! This is the largest quantity of bags I've had up for grabs at one time! And I will be showcasing them at the Passion Conference this weekend! I am super excited! I not only get to offer all these wonderful bags to a great bunch of ladies, but I get to show them my photography too! I can't wait!

See the photos? This was our street just a few days ago. Now the trees are pretty much bare! Glad I got some pretty pictures while it lasted. I'll add more later. Have a great weekend!

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